Area Attractions
Shortline Trail – 3 mile paved walking, biking or rollerblading trail adjacent to Lodging on the Lake.
Tallulah Gorge State Park – Located within a few minutes of Lodging on the Lake enjoy waterfall and gorge viewing; hiking in the gorge; whitewater kayaking; aesthetic water releases throughout the year; browse through the Jane Hurt Yarn Interpretive Center for a lesson in history of the area. Visit www.gastateparks.org/TallulahGorge for whitewater and aesthetic water release schedule and other gorge activities. 706-754-7970 for additional information.
Tallulah Falls Blue Grass – Saturday night “picking and grinning” in downtown Tallulah Falls from April to November
Historic Lakemont Village – Visit our neighbors in nearby Lakemont during your stay.
Tallulah Adventures – tallulahadventures.com – a variety of activities ranging from outdoor recreation to art and music, and to curate an adventure experience that suits them.
Tiger Mountain Vineyards – Tiger, Georgia
Hiking trails and waterfalls – www.waywardguide.com
Whitewater rafting – Southeastern Expeditions
For other attractions in the area, see www.explorerabun.com